What Eclipses Your Connection with Nature?
So, I?m wondering how many of our eclipse viewers had their solar eclipse eclipsed by the multitude of clouds? My hand is raised! Just when it was supposed to be the perfect view of a once (maybe twice for some) in a lifetime event the clouds move in and hang out just long enough to obscure the view. As you can see in the picture, we did get to see a little before that and we were satisfied. You can see us having some fun with it.The experience was amazing. It was one of those wonderful naturally occurring events that will always amaze many of us.
It takes us right back to the conversation of nature and all its many wonders. My niece came in from a walk yesterday and she was so excited that she had a ?conversation? with a bird perched in one of our trees. She said it would whistle and she would whistle back. They carried on the conversation for quite a while. I wonder how many of us take the time to chat with the birds anymore? We are too busy chatting on our phones, looking down, not seeing the beauty of the world around us. My boys have been getting frustrated when we ride because I make them put down their iPads and actually look out of the windows. Granted, most of what they see are ?jeep jabs? (for those without kids, that would be my generations version of ?punch buggy") but at least they are looking up and taking notice of more than what?s in their electronic tunnel vision. On a recent trip northwest they were able to see some mountain-scapes and they were pretty amazed at the water trickling down the wall of the mountain. It was a wonderful educational opportunity to explain the patience of dripping water and how its persistence has affected the side of that mountain. I?m not sure they got it, but I?m glad they saw that huge boulder and it?s character in the worn crevices. I?m glad because we all need to appreciate more of the world we live in.
When we look up and see grey, hard surfaces everywhere it?s difficult to notice the beauty God has given us in the blooming flowers, swaying trees, and the lyrical song of birds. One of our goals at Carter Group is to help you get back to the natural state of things. Reconnecting with nature, finding peace, relieving stress, and maybe even chatting with some birds can have such a refreshing outcome. Taking an occasional reprieve with nature can help you reset and find renewed joy in coming back to your work. Scientists have given nature walks a name, they are calling it Ecotherapy. This article gives more detail and outlines some of the health benefits of getting back to nature.
Many have found that owning their own piece of dirt provides more opportunity of reprieves. They can go for an afternoon, they can plan a week away, a month away, or maybe they just want to get away permanently and have their home built there. We have many acres available in various locations; some small tracts, some large. I encourage you to take a look around. Do some recon work and decide what you can afford, then give us a call and let us know what you want. We promise to do our best to find you the perfect piece of property to meet your needs.
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