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Success Takes Dedication, Consistency, and a Little Sweat on the Brow

Success Takes Dedication, Consistency, and a Little Sweat on the Brow - article image

Congratulations are in order! There is proof in the pudding that dedication, consistency, and hard work pay off! Ryker Carter, our founder and resident land expert closed the deal of the season. With some sweat on the brow and persistence Ryker has sold 5,196.2 acres as a package deal to a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). This deal closed just last week, March 24, 2016. 

Ryker has spent the last 25+ years in land sales. He has educated himself on what works and what doesn?t and he brings that knowledge to the table in every land purchase in which he has a part. His ultimate goal and the mission of Carter Group Real Estate, is to help clients realize their dreams in land ownership and meet their goals with investing in what lasts.

Ryker is also very hands on in his transactions. He makes it a point to intimately know the properties he is selling so that when buyers come courting he knows which properties will meet their needs. He accomplishes this by assessing the property, learning it's history and value,  and physically riding through as much of the property as he can.  Knowing what the land is made of, whether it?s wet or high and dry, along with understanding how that piece of dirt can bring the best return on investment is top priority for him. (Ready to sell your property? Learn more here.)

The properties Ryker sold in this package are located in Clinch and Ware counties. You may follow these links to see some of those properties included in the deal, such as the 669 Acres in Homerville, 509 Acres at Little Scrub Island in Waycross, GA, and the 518 acres on Bickley Rd in Waycross, GA. These are only a few of the properties that made up the 5,196.2 acres in the sale. 

If you are ready to invest, you can browse our timber investment properties or contact us if you have further questions; let us know what you want and we will look for the right property for you!

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210 Acre Farm in Georgia - Will Subdivide - article image

210 Acre Farm in Georgia - Will Subdivide

Situated between Snipesville Road and McCall Road in Denton, Georgia is a 210 acre farm with cultivation, pastureland, ponds, and the original farmhouse. For the farmer, this property is a dream come true with the home set underneath the vista of mature pec...

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I am genuiinely happy to glance at thiks weblog possts which containhs lotgs of useful data, thanks for provbiding these data.
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Thanks Team! Its really the whole team that helps make great sales like this. I'm thankful for such a great team! Couldn't have done it without you! Keep up the good work!
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Kyle Cato on Mar 31, 2016
Congratulations Ryker, great job!

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