Build a Haven For Your Horses With This Pastureland

So, you have been dreaming for quite some time of having your own haven for you and your beloved horses. It?s just a dream, but it invades your thoughts ever so often. There is so much to consider when building your haven. Room for your homesite, room for your horses. Let?s not forget the barn and pastures, the round pen for exercise, etc. Seems like a lot of planning. But your dream can be reality with some forethought and work.
This week I want to spotlight 65 acres available on Moody Bridge Road in Long County, GA.
This property could be shaped to serve many purposes from farmland, timberland, or your haven! It?s the perfect property for a horse farm. It has trees for shade and pastureland for your beloved horses. I recently read you need 1 1/2 acres for each horse to be happy. We definitely want the horses happy. If you use 5 acres for your homesite and barn then that leaves room for about 40 horses! That?s a lot of friendly noses to rub each morning! Of course, you may not want, need, or desire so many yourself, but maybe you can lease some of your space and help this farm pay for itself. Either way, you will have the room for options!
So whatever your dreams are made of, this property may be part of the realization. I like what T.E. Lawrence has to say about dreams and dreamers
All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.
So don?t forget to open your eyes and put legs on your dreams. It will take work toward to make them a reality. When you are ready to take the next step to owning your own property then give us a call. We are land experts and we can guide you in the right direction to help your dreams come true.
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