Boring Is As Boring Does!

So, have you looked up the definition of "boring" lately? Go ahead, google it, I'll wait right here... (waiting, strumming my fingers, humming a tune...)
Did you get it? Exactly! It is defined as "Not interesting, tedious" and its synonyms are "tedious, dull, monotonous, repetitive, unrelieved, unvaried, unimaginative, uneventful" and so on... how do you think that describes our town with a population of 10,302? I?m sure you have all seen the article floating around Facebook touting Jesup as one of the Top 10 Most Boring Cities. If not, take a gander here! IMHO I think those statistics are based on one persons idea of excitement and fun! Boring is as boring does! Opportunities for community involvement are out there, you just have to find yourself being involved and taking advantage of them.
Did you get it? Exactly! It is defined as "Not interesting, tedious" and its synonyms are "tedious, dull, monotonous, repetitive, unrelieved, unvaried, unimaginative, uneventful" and so on... how do you think that describes our town with a population of 10,302? I?m sure you have all seen the article floating around Facebook touting Jesup as one of the Top 10 Most Boring Cities. If not, take a gander here! IMHO I think those statistics are based on one persons idea of excitement and fun! Boring is as boring does! Opportunities for community involvement are out there, you just have to find yourself being involved and taking advantage of them.
So we may not have the night life that all those NOT so boring cities have, but we do have community and family and we can have FUN! And if per chance you want a little more to do, have a looksy at the Official Georgia Tourism & Travel Site. They list plenty of festivals and fairs to keep us busy all year and many of them are within an hour or two driving distance. Dublin celebrates the whole month of March! Hinesville has the Small World Festival which I think would be quite interesting. I only mentioned 2 of 151! There are so many more things to do. So take some of your boring Jesup friends and find someplace to have fun. Remember, boring is a choice... Choose FUN instead!
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